Sunday, January 4, 2015

How to make Homemade Chili Oil

When I was a little, I usually see my mother and brother and a lot of people here in the province, add sili (chili) in their everyday (yes, everyday) meal. I used to ask them why, they said it adds to their appetite and adds flavor to the food. I was like, what? It's spicy and hot, so wouldn't it do the otherwise? We also like fermenting chili in sukang iloco added with some other spices like garlic, pepper, onion and ginger. (inartem nga sili)
When I got older and tried it, I realized they were right. Now, for me, food is just ordinary without some spice. Seriously, I can eat spicy food on a regular basis! Haha!. So when I saw our chili plant blooming like poinsettia, I'd thought of making something to spice up my everyday meal, chili oil.

Here are some easy peasy steps on how to make your homemade chili oil:


Dried Chili

Olive oil 



  1. Use a blender or food processor to break the chili into small pieces, as shown below.

2. Heat the olive oil then add the ground chili. Using low heat, let is simmer for 2-3 mins, stirring it occasionally. 

3. Let cool and transfer to a glass storage with lid. Store in a cool dark place. 

Homemade Chili Oil

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